Atlanta For Haiti serves as an Atlanta - based conduit for inventive, cultural, spiritual, and empowering Haiti outreach initiatives. 


It is no secret that huge parts of Haiti lack clean, healthy, and safe living conditions, clean water, free education, jobs, healthcare, police protection, and for some citizens, an overall relative place in the nation. Instead of wasting time, however, on griping and rationalizing over why these conditions exists, our team at ATL4Haiti seeks to take action by educating the city of Atlanta on ways in which we can readily and easily impact lives in need. (This is not to take the honace off of the Haitian government which is equally, if not more, responsible in ensuring the prosperous progression of its nation.)


ATL4Haiti believes in the uniting of family and community. Our concerns not only lie in providing relief to those in Haiti, but also, to those right here in our own city. We envision the building of various partnerships with other cause-driven organizations, colleges, and universities, in an effort to create and carry-out diverse initiatives, focused on providing essential, educational, economical, and health resources which will benefit all lives involved.


We desire to focus on the shaping of both spiritual and lively aspects which prove that neither Haiti, nor other similar nations, are the S#%!-hole countries that some perceive them to be. More important, our team recognizes that Haiti, along with the many African diasporic nations, is our true family, regardless of how “far-removed” we’ve been conditioned to believe we are. We are one, and it is our duty to take care of one another, one change at a time.


Meet Our Founder

Meagan Henry
Founder  +


Pictured Below, Meagan Henry is a fiery-29-year-old-Jesus-loving-serial entrepreneur who is unafraid to go after the desires of her heart! At a young age, she discovered her passion for helping, motivating, and inspiring all whom she encountered, and she set out to make this her life path. Combining her first loves of leadership and cheer, Henry became a cheer coach at the age of 15. It was during this time that she began to develop her combined talents of coaching, designing, organizing, and serving. After graduating from Georgia State University with a dual degree in Urban Education and African-American studies, Henry began working in the nonprofit sector, furthering her experience in charitable planning, client relationship management, branding,marketing, and event execution. Her portfolio includes top companies such as Mercedes Benz, Home Depot and Mission of Grace in Haiti.

While she loved her work at the nonprofit and advanced significantly, Henry’s entrepreneurial dreams of consulting, designing, creating and building brand identity and visibility, for herself and others, began to outweigh her desire to remain on the corporate ship. And boom!… At the age of 26, she was laid off from her, then, “dream” job.

Henry took this opportunity to invest in and build her personal brand. As one who lives by the saying “go big or go home,” Henry audaciously took both her business and corporate identities international, birthing the branding motherhouse, M7 Enterprises. M7 Enterprises encapsulates a diverse collective of Henry’s global ventures including M7 Creative Consulting (Strategic Brand Consulting), Journee’s Unlimited (Youth + Teen Development), and Atlanta for Haiti (Global Outreach Initiatives). Each sphere captures the pure love Henry has for impacting lives--through service--worldwide. Henry astutely creates customized lanes for clients, businesses and communities to thrive in their own right, furthering their ability to inspire and touch their unique and respective audiences.


"Discover your passion ... create your own lane ... trust the path … drive your life ... live fearlessly…!” ~Meagan Henry